Tuesday, December 18, 2007

De la 3/4 putain a la fausse blonde

France's President has successfully introduced the new first lady. OK magazine and Voici have replaced the late "ORTF" and even blindsided the official "porte-parole" de l'Elysee. Where is this country going to ? Will anybody finally say anything ? What happened to the media ? They must be kindin' us ? We are in desperate need of a talented lopsided poet. Where are you Jacques Brel ?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Un site sacré arménien trouvé en Iran

Une decouverte emouvante decrite dans cette article. La découverte d’une pierre tombale datant du moyen-âge et ses inscriptions ont mené les archéologues à mettre à jour ce cimetière. L’inscription dit « Jésus, le seul né du Père, quand le temps arrive et rend l’âme endormie du descendant » ...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

2007 The Year that was.

In the following days, Bardizag will launch the "Year that was" series. The worst and the best, Ups and Downs of 2007. So stay tuned ......

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

FIFA 2010 Qualifiers- Are we really gonna play ?

My view: We should not play.

Sending 30 Armenians in a country where they kill Armenian journalists is dangerous. Let's make a political statement.
We will probably play anyway: When you read our president's interview in "Les nouvelles d'Armenie" #136, who opens his harms to business with Turkey? After the visit to Akhtamar ... Let's play Football now !!!
What will happen during the national anthems ?

What about the Footbal organisations .... After Azerbaidjan for the EUFA-08 Qualifiers, now Turkey !!!??? Stupid ...

LED ZEP BACK !!! London Arena, Dec 10th 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bush administation has sent two senior officials to Ankara to ally Turkish anger

Reading this article, I was wondering: did it strike anyone that the two officials were named 'Erci Edelman' and 'Dan Fried' ?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Making Money with Joe ......

They make more money with Joe since he can't stop'em

The legacy of Joe Strummer (1952-2002) continues to live on, grow louder and shake up the establishment with the summer 2007 release of Fender’s new Joe Strummer Telecaster, modeled after the beat up and battle-hardened ’66 Tele® he wielded as leader of “the only band that matters”—seminal Brit punk commando unit the Clash

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Regis est un con" serie - 1

A Yerevan-based American-Armenian political analysts spoke today about weak signals coming from the Turkey’s government and its army, which he said indicate that they have started to comprehend the wisdom of lifting the blockade of Armenia.
The political analyst, Richard Giragosian, called these signals ‘revolutionary.”
Speaking to a news conference Mr. Giragosian argued that the passage of a resolution by the US Congress recognizing the 1915 Armenian genocide would have no impact on Washington’s relationships with Ankara ‘because they are already bad.’
Mr. Giragosian further said that Turkey and Armenia can normalize their relations only through boosting economic ties, because ’Turkey needs Armenia as an economic partner to stabilize the situation in its eastern Kurdish-populated areas.”
Mr. Giragosian also reiterated fears that Turkey’s accession to EU with its 75 million population may pose a serious threat to Europe’s integrity, but he said Armenia would benefit from a Turkish EU membership, ‘because Ankara would have to reduce its military spending and cut its armed forces.’
According to Mr. Giragosian, Armenia may act as a go-between between Iran on one hand and the USA and Europe on the other hand.

Friday, August 10, 2007

How the f*** could we do without you, Vartan ?

Oskanian said in an interview with the Iranian-based Armenian newspaper Huys: "Introduction of dual citizenship institute by Armenia can be only welcomed and assessed as a positive step".
"Such a worldwide-scattered nation as Armenians will have the opportunity to keep constant ties with their motherland at the same time having Armenian citizenship". He said that "at his new stage of independence Armenia must display flexibility, which is one of the national peculiarities".
“We need it to find and produce new resources in order to keep our positions. The part of new resources will come from Armenia, the other part –from the Diaspora.”
Pathetic...just can't stand it...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How mean can these people be .....

Found this thread on JPierre's blog, from 2005 ....

Photographes arméniens à la cour du Négus du 19 juin au 2 septembre 2007, au Jeu de Paume

Les Boyadjian photographes arméniens à la cour du Négus du 19 juin au 2 septembre 2007 à l'Hôtel de Sully dans le cadre de « Arménie, mon amie », Année de l'Arménie en France

Le Jeu de Paume Hôtel de Sully 62, rue Saint Antoine 75004 Paris

Du mardi au vendredi de 12h à 19h, le samedi et dimanche de 10h à 19h

Dans une approche historique, cette exposition met en relief le destin singulier d'une famille arménienne, les Boyadjian, photographes officiels du Négus sur plusieurs générations et témoins privilégiés de la vie de la communauté arménienne en Éthiopie dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, jusqu'aux années 1970. L'exposition est composée d'une sélection de 80 photographies (40 photos d'époque et 40 tirages modernes), issues pour la plupart des archives conservées à Addis Abeba par Berhanu Abebe. Des objets (appareils photographiques...) et des textes (lettres, carnets...) viennent également enrichir cette exposition qui rend hommage à la famille Boyadjian.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Don't tell me the world powers did not know..

Journal La Croix 15 février 1916
source : http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark :/12148/cb343631418/date1916

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sarkozy's France serie - 2

Des sans-papiers interpellés le 1er août 2007 à Lille
Soixante-sept sans-papiers, dont des grévistes de la faim, évacués mercredi de la Bourse du travail de Lille, étaient toujours en garde à vue jeudi matin et 36 ont été placés en centres de rétention à Lille, Toulouse et Bordeaux, a-t-on appris auprès de la préfecture du Nord.

Zengi, Atabek of Mosul

After a recent post (July 28, No comment serie: The last of the famous), a friend of mine asked me who was Zengi and what was the link between myself and Zengi. The picture was taken in the very place where Zengi was supposely assassinated. Hope this will clarify the situation.
Imad ad-Din Atabeg Zengi (al-Malik al-Mansur) (also Zangi, Zengui, Zenki, or Zanki; in Turkish İmadeddin Zengi, in Arabic: عماد الدین زنكي) (c. 1085–September 14, 1146) was the son of Aq Sunqur al-Hajib, governor of Aleppo under Malik Shah I. His father was beheaded for treason in 1094, and Zengi was brought up by Karbuqa, the governor of Mosul.

Zengi became atabeg of Mosul in 1127, and of Aleppo in 1128, uniting the two cities under his personal rule, and was formally invested as their ruler by the Sultan Mahmud II of Great Seljuk. Zengi had supported the young sultan against his rival, the caliph Al-Mustarshid.

In 1144 Zengi besieged the crusader County of Edessa. Edessa was the weakest and least Latinized crusader state, and Zengi captured it on December 24, 1144. This event led to the Second Crusade, and later Muslim chroniclers noted it as the start of the jihad against the Crusader states.

Though he continued his attempts to take Damascus in 1145, Zengi was assassinated by a Frankish slave named Yarankash in 1146. The Christian chronicler William of Tyre said that he was killed by a number of his retinue while he lay drunk in his bed.

Zengi's sudden death threw his forces into a panic. His army disintegrated, the treasury was looted, and the crusader princes, made bold by Zengi's demise, plotted to attack Aleppo and Edessa.

He was the founder of the eponymous Zengid dynasty. In Mosul he was succeeded by his eldest son Saif ad-Din Ghazi I and in Aleppo he was succeeded by his second son Nur ad-Din.
Zengi was courageous, strong in leadership and a very skilled warrior according to all of the Islam chroniclers of his day. The conquest of Edessa being his greatest achievement. These same chroniclers however, also relate Zengi as being a very violent, cruel, and brutal man. Muslims, Byzantines, and Franks all suffered at his hands.
“The atebeg was violent, powerful, awe-inspiring and liable to attack suddenly… When he rode, the troops use to walk behind him as if they were between two threads, out of fear they would trample over crops, and nobody out of fear dared to trample on a single stem (of them) nor march his horse on them… If anyone transgressed, he was crucified. He (Zengi) used to say: ‘It does not happen that there is more than on tyrant (meaning himself) at one time.’” By Ibn al-‘Adim (Source: Ibn al-‘Adim, Zubda, vol. 2, p. 471)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sakozy's France, July 2007: Cops are granted a licence to kill

Un Algérien de 40 ans a été tué vendredi gare du Nord par des policiers lors d'un contrôle d'identité
Quatre fonctionnaires du Service régional de la police des transports (SRPT) effectuent une opération de contrôle d'identité gare du Nord. Vers 19H20, ils se trouvent sur la mezzanine de la gare, à proximité des entrées B et D du RER et face aux voies 42 et 44, lorsqu'ils aperçoivent un homme assis sur des marches.
Après un aller-retour, ils constatent que l'homme est toujours au même endroit, l'air absent, prostré, et décident de contrôler son identité en le conduisant sur la mezzanine, a raconté à l'AFP le parquet de Paris.
L'homme les suit sans problème mais arrivé face à un magasin de sport, il accélère subitement son pas, plonge sa main droite dans sa veste et se retourne en braquant un policier avec un pistolet, dont les caractéristiques n'ont pas été précisées.
Trois des fonctionnaires s'écartent de sa ligne de tir en lui demandant de lâcher son arme. Mais l'homme ne répond pas et fait feu en direction de l'abdomen du quatrième fonctionnaire resté face à lui. Ce policier a confié aux enquêteurs qu'il s'était vu mort, a-t-on précisé de même source.
Une flamme est sortie du canon de l'arme de l'agresseur mais aucun projectile n'est parti, a expliqué le parquet.
Une policière qui se trouvait de côté a alors fait usage de son arme de service blessant vraisemblablement l'homme à la jambe. Mais ce dernier a continué à manipuler son arme.
Deux ou trois de ses collègues ont alors ouvert le feu et l'ont mortellement atteint au thorax. Transporté dans un état grave à l'hôpital Bichat, dans le XVIIe arrondissement, il est mort dans la soirée.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Le mas des alouettes

Un pan d'Histoire vu par une petite histoire
1915. Dans une petite ville de Turquie, une famille arménienne ouvre sa belle demeure pour les funérailles du patriarche. Assadour, le fils aîné parti à Padoue depuis des années, revient pour l'occasion et tous préparent son accueil. Personne ne semble conscient du destin tragique qui va bientôt frapper toute la nation arménienne...

C'est comme ça qu'est decrit le synopsis du film. Il y a longtemps que je voulais le blogger.
Tout d'abord grand merci au frères Taviani (auteurs il y a quelques années de Good morning Babylonia, c'est pas rien), pour ce film émouvant et pour sa justesse (pour des non armeniens ....). Et un grand merci aux bloggers et internautes pour avoir souligné à quel point ce film donnait à réflechir par rapport aux positions de la Turquie actuelle.
Je n'en dirais pas plus, car bien évidemment pas objectif. Je dirais juste: Allez y nombreux, precipitez vous sur le DVD à sa sortie ..... Grand Film !!!

Genocide/Assurance vie: AXA verse 17 millions de dollars

La compagnie française d’assurances Axa vient de publier la liste de ses clients assures dans sa filiale turque jusqu’en 1915 et qui furent victimes du génocide arménien. Les proches de ces victimes qui avaient souscrit une assurance-vie pourront signaler leurs droits auprès de la compagnie jusqu’au 1er octobre 2007. Selon un accord Axa devra verser au total 17 millions de dollars. 3 millions seront à destination des associations et organisations arméniennes de France, 3 autres millions seront utilisés pour couvrir les frais juridiques des familles des victimes et 11 millions seront reversés dans le Fonds d’indemnisation destinés aux familles des clients ayant souscrit avant 1915 une assurance-vie auprès de la compagnie

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Il y a vingt ans aujourd’hui...l’Europe marquait de sa reconnaissance le génocide des Arméniens

Il y a 20 ans aujourd’hui, le 18 juin 1987, le Parlement européen réuni en session plénière à Strasbourg devenait la première institution internationale majeure à reconnaître le génocide des Arméniens, en adoptant une résolution historique « Pour une solution politique de la question arménienne ». Après d’amples débats et en dépit des immenses pressions exercées par la Turquie et ses supplétifs, le législateur européen choisit d’apposer la juste qualification à ce premier génocide des temps modernes et apporta ainsi une victoire déterminante au combat pour la Justice que menaient depuis des années les Arméniens, en Europe et à travers le monde.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Did u walk cool Series - 3


Friday, May 18, 2007

Adler-oglou strikes back !

Check the lastest adlerouglou's article about his favourite country !
A small sample: "Proche de la Turquie, je fais évidemment partie de ceux qui vibrent naturellement lorsqu’il voit des dizaines de milliers de personnes envahir les rues d’Istanbul et d’Ankara pour y manifester un engagement laïque dont la ferveur rencontre peu d’autres exemples ailleurs."
For the one who did not know, he gets a hard-on each time he can hear just anything about Turkey...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Will he get F***ed again ?

Nicolas Sarkozy prépare son futur gouvernement "d’ouverture". Patrick Devedjian risque de devoir se contenter de la présidence du conseil général des Hauts-de-Seine (92) pour laisser la place au Gouvernement à des personnalités venues de la gauche et du centre. Ce qui a fait dire à l’intéressé sur le ton ironique devant le conseil national : ’’Je suis pour aller très loin dans l’ouverture, y compris parmi les sarkozystes’’.
Nicolas Sarkozy a mis en avant le précepte : ’’La fidélité, c’est pour les sentiments. Les compétences, c’est pour le gouvernement’’. Patrick Devedjian a rétorqué : ’’La fidélité n’est pas forcément le contraire de la compétence’’

Monday, May 14, 2007

Alice Cirganyan Interview

Read this moving interview of Alice Cirganyan, a fellow bardizagtsi, realized on December 9, 2005 in Melbourne.

Born in 1923 (probably in Bolis), Alice knows about Bardizag - like all of us - mostly what her parents told. Though, she visited the village with her husband and a group of Bolis Armenians years later.

The evocation of bardizagn' "claire fontaine" - "They had a big spring (well), all of us uses to go there to get water...with the girls, in a group" Alice's mother used to say - speaks by itself.

Alice finally had to leave Turkey in the 70's. She lives in Melbourne. Bardizagn' armenian is the only language she speaks.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Only the Crap Gets Televised

2 symboles du nouveau regime

Symbole 1: Un établissement populaire ou les français moyens ont l’habitude de se retrouver pour prendre un café. Quel est le signal donné au pays ? a ceux qui sont dans la précarité ? A près des 53% des Français qui gagnent moins de 800 euros et qui ont voté pour lui ?
Symbole 2: Le lieu de résidence du français moyen en vacances: un yacht luxueux en Méditerranée.
Le petit bush a entamé lundi une croisière au large de l'île de Malte à bord d'un yacht de 60 mètres qui appartiendt à l'homme d'affaires français Vincent Bolloré. Un luxe (in)utilement ostentatoire ?

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

No comment serie 4- Demain dans toutes les mairies


Monday, April 30, 2007

92nd Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide: Reconciliation is impossible !

Further to the commemoration ceremonies or meetings I have personally been able to take part on April 24th, I must say that I have been quite in disgareement - not with the tone - but with the underlying meaningful core ideas of various speeches held by officials of Armenian diaspora in the region of Lyon, France.

Key quotes as I registered them: " There will be no reconciliation without dialogue (Decines, France, April 29th)". " To establish a real dialogue, 2 parties should be involved (Lyon, France, April 24th)".

I think the key finding of 2007 can be summarized as follows: "1,500,000 + 1". If Hrant Dink's murder has proven us one thing is that there is no reconciliation possible.

As a matter of fact, what is unforgivable cannot be forgiven. We would be lying to ourselves and to the world if we pursue in this direction. No one can deny that We have an historical repsonsability in front of all citizens from all nations around the world. We can mislead the entire world. Whatever Turkey does or does not do, there is no dialogue possible.

There can be no reconciliation.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Did you walk cool - serie 2 ?

Please check the definition of cool in Wikipedia. It is so stylish !
" Cool is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance, style and Zeitgeist. Because of the varied and changing connotations of cool, as well its subjective nature, the word has no single meaning. It has associations of composure and self-control and is often used as an expression of admiration or approval."

They even pretend that "some notions of cool can be traced back to Aristotle, whose notion of cool is to be found in his ethical writings, most particularly the Nicomachean Ethics". That's so cool !

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

La Nouvelle-Djoulfa, 400 ans de présence arménienne à Ispahan

année de l’armenie

Antony - Maison des Arts /
L’histoire des Arméniens de la Nouvelle-Djoulfa commence en 1603 lorsque Shah Abbas, roi de Perse, décide de déporter les Arméniens de Djoulfa (situé actuellement au Nakhitchevan – Azerbaïdjan) et des provinces avoisinantes vers sa nouvelle capitale, Ispahan, qu’il vient de créer. Ce point culminant des guerres entre l’Empire ottoman et l’Empire perse au XVIIe siècle entraîne la déportation de 300 000 Arméniens en Perse.
À Ispahan, ils participent au développement de la nouvelle capitale en créant la Nouvelle-Djoulfa au sud du fleuve Zayendeh-Rud qui traverse la ville. Leur présence est active dans l’architecture, la peinture, l’artisanat et le commerce. Pendant quatre cents ans, ils maintiennent leur identité chrétienne en symbiose avec l’environnement islamique et établissent des liens culturels, artistiques et commerciaux jusqu’en Europe, en Amérique du Sud, aux Indes et en Extrême-Orient.
L’exposition est composée principalement de photographies (anciennes et récentes), d’estampes, de tableaux et de gravures qui représentent la vie sociale et religieuse de la Nouvelle-Djoulfa. Sont également présentés des objets tels que des manuscrits, des tapis, des livres imprimés, des broderies, de l’orfèvrerie, des tissus produits à la Nouvelle-Djoulfa.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Antranik Scores two !!!!

Andranik Teymourian scored two second-half goals to keep Bolton on course for Europe in a 3-1 win that piles the relegation pressure on Wigan.Emile Heskey's 100th league goal of his career was in vain as Sam Allardyce's side produced a stirring comeback at the JJB Stadium.
Nicolas Anelka initially hauled Bolton level four minutes before the interval before Iran midfielder Teymourian grabbed the first Premiership goals of his career in the space of five minutes.
Teymourian, signed on his performances at last summer's World Cup, appears to be another of those shrewd Allardyce captures.
Starting only his second league match, the 24-year-old certainly delivered in a crucial local derby victory that keeps Bolton in the hunt for a possible Champions League place

Friday, April 6, 2007

No comment serie 3 - Cérémonie du lavement des pieds à Jerusalem

Cathédrale St. James dans le quartier arménien de Jerusalem, Jeudi 5 Avril 2007

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

First Armenian TV-reality star ever...

Kimberly Noel Kardashian (born October 21, 1980 in Los Angeles, California) is an American socialite and is one of the three daughters of the deceased O. J. Simpson attorney, Robert Kardashian. Kardashian's media attention has primarily been attributed to her close friendship with Paris Hilton.

Like her friend Paris Hilton, Kardashian has been reported in the tabloid press for her romantic interests in singer Ray J, and a graphic sex tape that depicts Kardashian and her then boyfriend Ray J performing various sexual acts. Prior to the release of this adult film Kardashian announced her intention to pursue legal action to further block distribution of the tape. This was the first public acknowledgement of the existence of the tape, which she had previously denied. Despite the impending lawsuit, adult retailers started offering the ability to pre-order the tape in February 2007. Vivid Video made the sex tape available online in March 2007

Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday, March 23, 2007

"Nul Arménien qui se respecte ne devrait accepter l’invitation de la Turquie à Akhtamar" par Harut Sassounian, éditeur du "California Courier"

Please check this article.
I was just wondering....The guests, invited by Turkih Governement, will have the opportunity to visit van fortress and old castle. Is this cinism ? What are they going to tell the guests during the tour ? Are they going to tell the guests this is the very place where we slaughtered the Armenian population in 1915 ? Are they going to tell them this is where the Armenians organised self defence until liberation came from Russian troups ? What are they going to tell the guests ?

No comment serie-1

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Joe Strummer biopic set for cinema release

A biopic about the life of The Clash frontman Joe Strummer is set to be released in UK cinemas.Entitled 'Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten', the documentary contains never-before-seen footage of the singer and his legendary band including studio sessions, archive and early childhood footage along with interviews with the likes of Martin Scorsese, Bono, Red Hot Chili Peppers and bandmate Mick Jones.The biopic, which is directed by Julien Temple, the man behind the 'Glastonbury' film and The Sex Pistols flick 'The Great Rock 'N' Roll Swindle', is narrated using old audio recordings of Strummer himself.A soundtrack of the film will also be released on May 14, and includes unreleased material by The Clash, plus tracks from Strummer's other projects, from The 101ers to The Mescaleros, along with the music that influenced him including reggae, rock 'n' roll and world music. 'Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten' will hit UK cinemas on May 18.

No Jungle but What a Rumble !!! That's what I call frightning

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Staline is less frightening in black & white !

I think the incredible document "Staline" on the 6th Channel yesterday evening was visually very impressive. Please forget about the comments, I am talking about the images. One must admit colorization reduces the time distance between us and what happened some 60 years ago.
To show the difference, I attached a "black and white" video which seems to be coming from early ages compared to what was on the air yesterday.
As concerning the comments (I agree something has to be said), representing staline as the "red tyran" without any subtility, I do not want to make judgement there. We are in a society where communication tools [images, sounds, news, tracks] have become fmcg products. As information messages are becoming more numerous everyday, they are also becoming much simpler. At one point, when history and historical truths/facts are concerned, this leads to caricature.

Monday, March 12, 2007


A l’heure où l’Union européenne envisage de pénaliser le
négationnisme, la Suisse montre la voie à suivre --
Le président du Parti des Travailleurs turc, Dogu Perincek, a été condamné ce vendredi 10 mars par le tribunal pénal de Lausanne à une amende de 3 000 CHF, et à verser 1000 CHF de dommages et intérêts à l’Association Suisse-Arménie (ASA) pour avoir publiquement nié le génocide des Arméniens à deux reprises sur le territoire helvétique.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Iraqi-Armenians on the run

Please check out this article by Lilit Avagyan.
As Armenian just passed law on dual citizenship, I was wondering what the homeland is planning for Iraqi-Armenians.
Will it be like always ? Do they have to consider they have nothing to hope concering any help from the new "old country" ?
Two years ago, Vartan Oskanyan, RA Foreign Ministers, proposed to Iraqi-Armenians to fly to Damas and contact the Armenian Consulate there. He promessed the consulate would "try to help". I am asking: is that a way we to build the Armenian state ?
Armenian should be the homeland of all Armenians around the world, and especially the one who are living tough time in their countries of residence. Shouldn' it ?
P.S: The picture captures Saint Vartan Armenian Apostolic Church in Avzrog, Dahuk Governorate, Iraq

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Adleroglou persiste et signe !


Adleroglou appelle maintenant a la reconsitution de l'empire ottoman.
Dans son dernier editorial au Figaro, Il nous presente la Turquie comme la seule civilisation ayant réaliser l'amalgame entre l'Occident et l'Orient.
Je passe sur les details: "la toute nouvelle et bien remarquable diplomatie saoudienne", " triumvirat réformateur qui occupe à présent le de­vant de la scène à Riyad, constitué du roi Abdallah et de ses deux demi-frères, Saoud, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, et Turki, l'ancien chef des services de renseignement", etc... C'est sur les triumvirats ne rappellent pas des bons souvenirs a tout le monde.
Il conclut enfin que: "seuls les Turcs et les sunnites arabes hanafites et chaféites pourront garantir le tournant anti-intégriste de l'Arabie saoudite. Cela se prononce en clair, Empire ottoman. Peut-être ce mirage se dissipera-t-il lui aussi ; il n'em­pêche, il de­meure beau et apaisant dans une région qui en a bien besoin".
Ce qui me ramene a poser la quesion suivante: Combien touches-tu Alexandre Adler ? Combien as-tu facture cette fois-ci ? Combien la Turquie te paie-t'elle pour defendre sa politique ?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The government, after 15 years of independence of Armenia, finally granted us with the eternal right to become citizens of Armenia.

On Tuesday February 27th Armenian Parliament adopted a bill, which supposes introduction of dual citizenship institute in the country. Presenting the bill Minister of Justice David Haroutunian said, according to the document Armenian citizens can admit citizenship of another country, which does not mean that it results in loss of Armenian citizenship. Besides, the minister said the legislative pack regulates issues of granting Armenian citizenship. Particularly, among other things, Armenian citizenship can admit those, who have reached 18 years old able to explain themselves in Armenian after getting introduced with the Constitution of the country; persons who have married with an Armenian citizen, as well as people who have performed exclusive services to Armenia; Armenians by origin.
According to the minister all persons with dual citizenship must informed about it the plenipotentiary body of the government. Otherwise, those who occupy or are trying to occupy certain posts will face criminal punishment, others-administrative fine.
The bill also regulates issues of passing military service of persons with dual citizenship. Particularly, they are freed of military service in Armenia if they have passed military service in other countries for at least 12 months, and alternative service for at least 18 months.
The minister informed that according to the bill persons with dual citizenship can participate in elections on the territory of Armenia. Haroutunian also said the President, Parliamentarians of the National Assembly of RA and members of the Constitutional Court cannot have dual citizenship.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Year of Armenia in France

Many of us know about it, but for those who don’t……. Since Sept06 until July 07, France is celebrating Armenia. It’s call “l’année de l’Arménie en France” (the year of Armenia in France). A lot of manifestations, concerts, expos (ancient & modern art, paintings, photos…) all over the country, including the most prestigious at the Musée du Louvres.
Find behind this link the month by month agenda http://www.armenews.com/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=118

I plan to visit some; I will have the opportunity to write about it.