On Tuesday February 27th Armenian Parliament adopted a bill, which supposes introduction of dual citizenship institute in the country. Presenting the bill Minister of Justice David Haroutunian said, according to the document Armenian citizens can admit citizenship of another country, which does not mean that it results in loss of Armenian citizenship. Besides, the minister said the legislative pack regulates issues of granting Armenian citizenship. Particularly, among other things, Armenian citizenship can admit those, who have reached 18 years old able to explain themselves in Armenian after getting introduced with the Constitution of the country; persons who have married with an Armenian citizen, as well as people who have performed exclusive services to Armenia; Armenians by origin.
According to the minister all persons with dual citizenship must informed about it the plenipotentiary body of the government. Otherwise, those who occupy or are trying to occupy certain posts will face criminal punishment, others-administrative fine.
The bill also regulates issues of passing military service of persons with dual citizenship. Particularly, they are freed of military service in Armenia if they have passed military service in other countries for at least 12 months, and alternative service for at least 18 months.
The minister informed that according to the bill persons with dual citizenship can participate in elections on the territory of Armenia. Haroutunian also said the President, Parliamentarians of the National Assembly of RA and members of the Constitutional Court cannot have dual citizenship.